Da: and this brings us to another meaningful show you’re involved with: “13 reasons Why.” is there anything at all that you can tell us about the show’s upcoming season and your role in it? Bl:


i can’t say much. “13 reasons Why” has tighter security than some maximum security prisons. We will see the fallout from hannah’s tapes becoming publicized and how life at the school struggles to carry on. it’s baseball season at Liberty high and i play as the coach to a bunch of the kids.

i’m about to go to dallas, Texas, to shoot a pilot epidsode for an ABc show called “False Profits.” cross your fingers that the network picks it up and you’ll see it on air later this year.

of course! There are things i’ve said “no” to that i ended up regretting. i just try to remember that the road is long—which is sound advice for most aspects of life). As for cancelled projects, i’ve had more of those than i care to remember, but that’s more or less out of my control. So, the less time worrying about that, the better.

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