DA: In your experience, what are some of the most common mistakes that people tend to do when they try to become healthier? ES:


I think people tend to go on very strict diets that they cannot maintain. It’s about being consistent and enjoying your life at the same time. On the working out side, people just find programs on the Internet that aren’t right for them or use poor form in their exercises. If you really want to fast track your progress, I would suggest you learn from someone that has a lot of experience and has built a body you would like to have.

The first step is to find a good trainer who is right for you and your goals. Once you do that you must be open minded, dedicated and Patient with the process and the outlined game plan.

I love helping clients be the best versions of their selves. Not everyone has the same goals or outcome in mind. But with consistent effort and dedication everyone can feel and look their best.

Absolutely. I feel blessed every day, I love modeling, personal training and maintainin­g my body and health. I wish for everyone to find their passion and work at it every day.

My wife Brittany, my dog Runkle and my friends and family are the most important things in the world to me. Anything I do with them makes me happy. I do love to get outside as much as possible and enjoy nature—hike, run, bike, camp. I cook a lot, I love to travel. Honestly, I do spend a lot of time working and learning about fitness and nutrition. It is a full-time job when you reach for the highest level of anything. But life is nothing without loved ones. That should be the most important thing in your life!

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