Prestige Indonesia

Aakar abyasa fidzuno

Taking back control


Money, says Aakar Abyasa Fidzuno, is more taboo than sex. “Sometimes, talking about money with your closest one seems impossible,” he notes on his website for Jouska, a financial firm he created. The holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Ma Chung University in Malang, Fidzuno founded Jouska in 2013 because of his concern about the lack of financial literacy in Indonesian society.

“I’ve seen that our middle or working class people have been targeted as a potential market,” he says. “But most of them don’t know about financial planning, and they may end up investing their money in a wrong way or, even worse, being trapped by fraudsters.”

As Fidzuno observes, money affects everything. “Let’s face it. Everything we do, there’s always money involvemen­t around it. You may say money doesn’t buy happiness or is the root of all evil. But deep down you know it’s not the money that matters, it’s how you use it. That determines its true value. If you know how to use your money wisely, you can do a lot of things with it, helping your family, your friends, contributi­ng to society and many more good deeds. Be the person who knows how to control money, not the person who is controlled by money!”

Fidzuno prides himself on having assembled a strong team of knowledgea­ble financial consultant­s who are capable of providing smart, sensible advice to clients. “Our advisers have experience of handling many clients from different background­s. We believe that financial advice should be affordable. I’m on a mission to change the way people feel about money.”

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