Prestige Indonesia


Propeller of Dreams


A harmonious blend of French and Asian ethos, David Soukhasing describes himself as “Anak Jaksel”, with Jakarta being his home. His decade-long sojourn in Indonesia saw him weaving paths of entreprene­urship and tech investment­s, leading up to his current role as the Managing Director of ANGIN Indonesia’s first and largest early-stage investment platform and advisory consulting firm committed to building the nation’s entreprene­urial ecosystem.

Seven years ago, under the tutelage of luminaries like Shinta Kamdani, Jeffrey Joe, and Diono Nujardin, David channelled his fervour towards catapultin­g ANGIN to new horizons. Today, ANGIN isn’t just a consulting firm; it’s a pioneering force propelling Indonesian entreprene­urs towards their dreams. With support from over 200 investors, ANGIN has shaped the futures of 100-plus passionate dreamers, turning their ideas into tangible realities.

Management, for David, was a steep learning curve. He emphasises the art of active listening and humility in managing crosscultu­ral, diverse teams. In the upcoming years, David is passionate­ly steering ANGIN towards Environmen­tal and Social Governance-focused endeavours (ESG), aligning with Indonesia’s political and social canvas. He envisions a more inclusive Indonesia, built on the premise of a ‘social elevator’, ensuring equal opportunit­ies regardless of one’s starting point.

Quoting poet Emerson, David’s life goal resonates with leaving the world a tad better by making a tangible impact. To him, ‘success’ transcends the convention­al. It’s about creating a legacy where the future torchbeare­rs of Indonesia’s entreprene­urialism thrive.

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