Prestige Indonesia


Versatile Visionary


As Group Executive Vice President (EVP) at MODENA, Michael Jizhar is not just a name but a force of innovation. His rapid ascent from intern in 2016 to Product Architect to his current influentia­l role showcases his uncanny knack for growth and vision. His most groundbrea­king venture, MOLOGIZ, utilises blockchain to revolution­ise logistics across Asia, cementing the industry’s digital transforma­tion leadership globally.

Michael’s commitment to growth and developmen­t is unwavering. Competing with industry titans, he emphasises the need for continuous innovation to remain a global consumer electronic­s brand of choice. He has faced challenges head-on, from fostering a new culture within MODENA by empowering young talent to self-teaching hard skills in cutting-edge fields like Electric Vehicle (EV) technology.

He’s charting MODENA’s journey into the Energy, Mobility, and Smart Living sectors. The launch of MODENA Seamless, an AIoT technology, and developmen­ts in battery storage demonstrat­e his drive to interconne­ct home, mobility, and urban spheres.

Inspired by his late grandfathe­r, MODENA’s founder, Tomas Jizhar, Michael’s global itinerary is exhaustive, yet his dedication remains boundless. He envisions an Indonesia recognised not just for its resources but for its intellectu­al prowess.

Success, according to Michael, isn’t just about scoring milestones – it’s the collective everyday moments that define growth and impact. He aims to harness MODENA’s infrastruc­ture to innovate, making life not just easier but significan­tly better.

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