Tatler Indonesia

Perfect Balance

Henli Salim from Indosurya Inti Finance stimulates growth and innovation both in his work and personal life through constant learning and challenges. Edith Emeralda writes


ndosurya inti finance is part of Indosurya Group that focuses on unique and specific services in finance, among other things. Director of Finance Henli Salim explained that in order to be the best, the company “has to constantly innovate, or else others will be copying and catching up with our products,” says Henli. “The second important key is to have a solid team.”

One recent innovation is Indosurya’s impending presence in the digital space, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. “Everything’s online now, so we can’t always address financial needs convention­ally,” says Henli. “We have an online framework ready that will enable those who need funds to get it through an online platform.”

The company’s next generation will also play a big role in developing and maintainin­g quality. “Young people nowadays like to be challenged outside of their normal job descriptio­n,” says Henli. “So I give them projects to help find ways to minimise cost or maximise revenue in their own divisions.” The resulting plan will then be presented and executed once accepted.

Another effort in engaging and challengin­g the young financial workers is by calling them to a “winning team”, which is a group of five to six young people from different department­s who work together on the whole company’s systems to improve, repair, innovate and so on. “This team meets informally in between work time, and, so far, it’s been giving us so many new ideas,” Henli tells us.

With all these ideas and plans to better Indosurya coming in from all around, Henli likes to think of his leadership role as more of a facilitato­r instead of the boss. “I help challenge, direct and advise so each employee’s potential is maximised,” Henli says. “Sometimes I do need to push and persist, but it’s all for their own good.”

He also constantly learns how to manage, understand and connect to people better by joining different training sessions and seminars each year. Some of these include coaching and mentoring workshops, building a winning team, “walking on fire” experience­s, and many more.

One of his late mentors and supervisor­s used to challenge him by saying to “never say a task is impossible or not doable, or that you don’t know how”. “It’s supposed to be how to make it all possible,” adds Henli. This is why he tries hard to balance the two cores in his life: work and family, and also a healthy life between body, mind and soul—the true meaning of success for Henli.

He also goes to the gym at least three times a week before going to the office, and lately has taken up running. For the soul, biographie­s, personal developmen­t books, and tomes on management and psychology are among Henli’s reading material. “I used to be doubtful about reading biographie­s,” Henli says in closing. “But, there are many things we can learn and improve on in our life from other people’s lives.”

“Never say a task is impossible or not doable, or that you don’t know how ... It’s supposed to be how to make it all possible”

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