

Scarcity vs abundance

- By Mara Hodler Mara Hodler is a former missionary to the Far East and East Africa. She currently lives in Texas with her husband and children and runs a small family business. This article was adapted from a podcast on Just1Thing, a Christian character-b

A friend of mine told me that when she was young, even though her family was close and they loved one another very much, fairness was always an issue. She said that when her mom brought home a pie or ice cream for dessert, she and her brother fought over who got the bigger piece. The quibbling over dessert portions was so stressful for her mom that she kept a scale near the dining table and literally weighed out each plate of dessert to make sure it was even. That was their family policy for years.

This got me thinking about how easy it is to view life through the “there’s only so much pie” paradigm. If your brother gets a huge piece of pie, there’s less for you, right? Of course, that’s actually true when it comes to pie, but that’s not the case with most other things in life.

However, there’s a tendency to be a believer either in scarcity or in abundance.

If you’re in Camp Scarcity, you believe that things like love, ideas, opportunit­ies, imaginatio­n, finances, and resources are limited. Each of those things is like a pie that is being sliced up, and every time someone gets a piece of one, there is less left for you. As you can imagine, there is very little goodwill in Camp Scarcity. People look out for themselves. People aren’t afraid to snatch a piece of pie from someone else, because if you don’t fight for your piece, you might not get any. If you’re lucky enough to snag a piece of pie, you don’t even have time to enjoy it. You have to scarf it down because someone might be scheming to grab your pie. Having personally spent some time in Camp Scarcity, I can tell you that it’s downright depressing there!

Camp Abundance is a totally different camp. In Camp Abundance, everyone shares the belief that love, ideas, opportunit­ies, imaginatio­n, finances, and resources are limitless. In this camp, there is a lot of celebratio­n. People enjoy pie all over the place. When someone finds a great pie shop, they recommend it to everyone instead of trying to keep it a secret. Recipes are swapped, improved, and customized. One thing is certain in Camp Abundance: no one is ever going to run out of pie! In fact, most people share the belief that the best pies are yet to be created, yet to be enjoyed, and yet to be shared.

Oddly enough, in Camp Scarcity, there actually does seem to be less and less pie. Everyone is worried about the day when the last bite of pie will be eaten. What then? You’re on your own, and when it comes to getting your pie, you’d better get it while the getting’s good.

But in Camp Abundance, no one fears running out of pie. They’re constantly coming up with new ingredient­s to make pies with, new twists on old classics, new ways to transport pies, and better ways to make more of them. No one worries that one day the pies are simply going to run out.

When I first recognized these two camps, I quickly came to the sorry conclusion that I spent a lot more time in Camp Scarcity than I did in Camp Abundance. I seldom thought that the best was yet to come. I more often thought that disaster was looming in the near future. When I saw others blessed, I often felt that meant there was less “good” left for me. I was definitely missing out on the party in Camp Abundance!

When I realized that, I packed up and moved camps. I found Camp Abundance to be very welcoming. They definitely had a “the more the merrier” take on things. I started believing that the best was yet to come—for me, for my friends, and for everyone around me. All of a sudden, I had a lot to share. I wasn’t running out of ideas, finances, resources, opportunit­ies, or love. It was easy to be generous when I knew that there was no need to hoard. It was easy to celebrate others’ wins, because I saw there were plenty of wins to go around. Moving to Camp Abundance was a great decision!

Would you rather join a camp where you’re always on the brink of famine, with dwindling love, ideas, finances, resources, and opportunit­ies? Or a camp where the greatest opportunit­y, best ideas, richest resources, and deepest love is yet to come, with enough to go around for everyone? Each of us has the power to decide which camp we want to live in.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. —2 Corinthian­s 9:6 NIV


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