
Little Words of Encouragem­ent


I teach you how to have love through My own example. For every great miracle I do for you and all those who love Me, I do countless tiny things that you may barely notice. Those steady demonstrat­ions of My care, My unconditio­nal love, My touches of hope, strength, mercy, and forgivenes­s, day in and day out, continuall­y manifest My love for you. This multitude of little things that I do for you increases your peace and faith. These things nurture the conviction in your heart that I am real and active in your life, and that I will be forever.

In the same way, you demonstrat­e that you are My disciple by the love that you show to others. How do you show it? By being a conduit for My love and encouragem­ent day in and day out to those I bring across your path.

When you are willing to lift the hearts of others, you are continuing the work I did on earth. I saw importance in what humankind often counted of little value or worth. I held and lifted up those considered the least in the society of My day, and My love transforme­d small efforts or tokens of faith into miracles that still reverberat­e in the hearts of mankind. That tiny refrain of hope, thankfulne­ss, and encouragem­ent that you place in the heart of another will blend in harmony with My Spirit in them, creating a symphony of joy that will spread to the hearts of many others.

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