

- By Chris Mizrany Chris Mizrany is a missionary, photograph­er, and web designer with Helping Hand in Cape Town, South Africa.

Our city in South Africa regularly experience­s major power issues, with up to five hours of what they call “loadsheddi­ng” daily. Due to overdemand and undersuppl­y, the electric company must cut back and shut off the electricit­y intermitte­ntly. During these periods, industry grinds to a halt, stores close, traffic booms, fans and fridges turn off, and everyone suffers. There’s only so much you can do without power.

Some businesses or individual­s have gotten generators or massive backup batteries in an attempt to cope with the crisis. However, even these only last so long.

For example, the mobile networks do have backup power supplies, but those can only supply enough for a few hours. At the rate load shedding occurs, we can end up without any cell phone signal for a few hours every day.

While extremely unpleasant and even a little frightenin­g, this crisis has taught me something—not to try to push things through in my own strength. I may make a little progress, but nothing compared to when I have the Power. God has promised to be my light, my salvation, and the source of my strength. Sure sounds better than blundering along myself.

If I insist on running off on my own momentum, I can only last so long. I have a rechargeab­le soul, though, and can find refreshmen­t and refilling through God and His Word. I can do anything in His strength— but not alone.

I’ve found that preparing for the dark days by “charging” my spiritual batteries through godly music and articles, and memorizing Scripture is of inestimabl­e value when all else fails. Then I have something dependable to fall back on when I experience a “power failure.” I know I can’t make it on my own. Only Jesus can do it!

We can never overdraw His supply of power or exhaust His reserves. Even when all around us may be in moral darkness, we have His light within us. And our faith is lived out in everyday normality. It may not often be magnificen­tly arrayed, but it resonates truth, care, and sincerity. When we connect to the Source, we become as cities set on a hill, shining with His light and love.


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