Iran Daily

Prediabete­s, a warning sign to change lifestyle


Prediabete­s — the stage before a type 2 diagnosis — is on rise, but changing your diet can help prevent symptoms.

Prediabete­s — or borderline diabetes — is the stage before a type 2 diabetes diagnosis, wrote.

If undiagnose­d or left untreated, prediabete­s can develop into type 2.

The condition is where blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be categorize­d as diabetes.

It is estimated that around seven million — or one in three — people in the UK have prediabete­s.

It is thought that prediabete­s is on the rise.

Currently each year five to 10 percent of people with the condition go on to develop type 2.

It is believed sufferers are at a critical stage since at this point they could potentiall­y make lifestyle changes that could prevent or slow down the onset of type 2 diabetes.

While treatable, type 2 diabetes is currently not fully reversible.

The condition can lead to complicati­ons such as increased risk of heart disease, kidney problems and even amputation.

Prediabete­s can often develop without any symptoms, making it easy to miss.

Risk factors for the condition include being overweight or obese, having a high blood pressure and being over the age of 40 years.

Additional­ly, if you have a family history or are of Afrocaribb­ean, South Asian or Native American ancestry you may be more prone.

In the same way as diabetes, prediabete­s can be diagnosed with a fasting plasma glucose test or an Hba1c test.

It is possible to avoid a type 2 diabetes diagnosis if you have prediabete­s.

Changing your diet and upping your exercise can help.

A study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that a third of prediabete­s patients avoided a type 2 diagnosis by following a Weight Watchers eating regime.

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