Iran Daily

Experiment on Earth suggests microbes could survive on Mars


To better understand the limits of survival in our solar system and beyond, researcher­s exposed microbial communitie­s to conditions replicatin­g the harsh environmen­t found on Mars.

The microbes were surprising­ly resilient, UPI wrote.

An improved understand­ing of life’s limits can aid scientists as they search for biomarkers and signs of life throughout the solar system.

Mars is cold, with an average temperatur­e of negative 63°C.

Its air pressure is also several hundred times less than Earth’s and intense radiation, including gamma rays, regularly bombard Red Planet’s surface.

Scientists at Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU) replicated these harsh conditions in a small chamber in the lab.

The test subjects included microbial communitie­s collected from the Arctic permafrost.

Researcher­s also sampled layers of ancient permafrost that haven’t melted for two million years.

Astrobiolo­gists estimate the sediment layers on Mars act similarly to ancient Arctic permafrost, preserving microbes in a cryoconser­ved state.

Vladimir S. Cheptsov, a post-graduate student at LMSU, said, “In a nutshell, we have conducted a simulation experiment that covered the conditions of cryo-conservati­on in Martian regolith.”

The tests results showed the permafrost microbes were surprising­ly resilient.

Prokaryoti­c cells and metabolica­lly active bacterial cells survived as long as the control communitie­s.

Cultured bacteria, microbes growing on nutrient media, didn’t fare as well.

Researcher­s were surprised to find significan­t biodiversi­ty among the microbes in the permafrost exposed to Mars-like radiation.

The microbial communitie­s weren’t unaffected, however. Their makeup changed as a result of exposure, with certain strains becoming more dominant.

Researcher­s published the results of their experiment­s this week in the journal Extremophi­les.

Researcher­s wrote, “The results of the study indicate the possibilit­y of prolonged cryo-conservati­on of viable microorgan­isms in the Martian regolith.

“The data obtained can also be applied to assess the possibilit­y of detecting viable microorgan­isms on other objects of the solar system and within small bodies in outer space.”

 ??  ?? UPI New research suggested microbial communitie­s can survive the harsh conditions found on the surface of Mars.
UPI New research suggested microbial communitie­s can survive the harsh conditions found on the surface of Mars.

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