Iran Daily

Ebola is back

WHO racing to stop another catastroph­e


‘egregious failure’ to respond sooner to the large-scale tragedy.

WHO and the DRC are taking a multi-pronged approach to contain this new outbreak in a remote northweste­rn part of the country, including moving vaccines at sub-zero temperatur­es. They’re also monitoring for any signs that the disease is spreading along the Congo River and across borders.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has worried global health experts by proposing to rescind agencies’ Ebola funding left over from the last major outbreak and ousting his top global health security adviser the same week as the new outbreak was declared.

Cases are clustered at three locations within a roughly 37-mile area near the town of Bikoro, said Peter Salama, WHO’S deputy director general of emergency preparedne­ss and response, during a UN briefing in Geneva, Switzerlan­d. It’s been described as a ‘dire scene’, he said.

“This is going to be tough, and it’s going to be costly to stamp out this outbreak,” Salama warned.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, the director-general of WHO, is traveling to the DRC this weekend to oversee the response.

The global health organizati­on is looking to establish an ‘air bridge’ to move supplies by plane into the affected area. Helicopter­s are also being deployed to get experts and medical care to the scene. All of that, WHO spokespers­on Tarik Jasarevic told Huffpost, is expensive, with the agency announcing Friday that the cost of the estimated three-month operation could run to $18 million.

To that end, WHO has already approved $1 million of funding through its Contingenc­y Fund for Emergencie­s. The London-based Wellcome Trust, a global health charity, has also pledged two million pounds ― about $2.7 million ― which will be matched by another million pounds from the British government. The US has not announced any standalone contributi­ons as yet.

WHO is talking with the DRC government about using the stillexper­imental Merck vaccine, which showed great promise during a trial conducted amidst the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak. Health Minister Oly Ilunga said health care workers would be a priority if the vaccine is deployed, according to Reuters.

The DRC government had previously approved use of the vaccine during a small Ebola outbreak last year. But by the time of¿cials were ready to go, the infection had been contained by traditiona­l measures such as quarantine and contact tracing.

This is not a simple logistical effort ― this is a highly complex, sophistica­ted operation in one of the most dif¿cult terrains on Earth.

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