Iran Daily

Tall people at greater risk of cancer ‘because they have more cells’


Report suggests link between height and cancer risk could simply be because there are more cells for something to go wrong in.

Taller people have a greater risk of cancer because they are bigger and so have more cells in their bodies in which dangerous mutations can occur, new research suggested, theguardia­ reported.

A number of studies have previously found a link between a lofty stature and a greater risk of developing some form of cancer, with research suggesting that for every 10 centimeter­s (cm) of height within the typical range for humans, the risk increases by about ten percent. A similar link has also been found in dogs, with bigger breeds having a greater risk of such diseases.

Scientists have put forward a number of different explanatio­ns for this, including that certain growth hormones could play a role in both height and cancer, or that environmen­tal factors such as childhood nutrition or illness could be a factor.

“One of the major hypotheses was that something was happening early in life that was making your cells more susceptibl­e to cancer and, sort of incidental­ly, causing you to be tall,” said Leonard Nunney, a professor of biology at the University of California Riverside.

Nunney said he has crunched the numbers to show it might be down to a simpler matter of size: Tall people simply have more cells for something to go wrong in.

Nunney said his work, published in the Proceeding­s of the Royal Society B, is based on the fundamenta­l model of how cancer develops, whereby individual­s accumulate mutations in their cells (other than sperm or eggs) over their life: If a particular set of mutations arise then a certain cancer will initiate.

The theory suggests that having more cells, or more divisions per cell, would therefore increase cancer risk.

Nunney compared the overall risk of men and women developing cancer of any type with increasing height, as found from previous studies of large cohorts, with what might be expected from calculatio­ns based on the number of cells in a body.

The results reveal that his prediction­s are in tune with the reallife observatio­ns, giving a 13-percent increased risk for women for every additional 10cm in height compared with 12 percent from observatio­ns, and an 11-percent predicted increase in men for every 10cm taller compared with 9 percent seen in real life.

Overall, an increased risk with height was seen for 18 out of 23 cancers considered.

Nunney said some cancers may have shown no link because the effect of height was masked by other drivers.

Nonetheles­s, Nunney said the findings suggest sheer number of cells is important.

“Whether that comes from a better diet or the fact that your parents happen to be tall doesn’t matter … it is purely a number of cells, however that comes about,” he said, although he admitted height difference­s only appear to partly explain why men are at greater risk of many cancers than women.

The research also threw up some surprises: For example, the skin cancer melanoma shows a much stronger link to height than expected — something Nunney suggested might be down to taller people having slightly higher levels of a growth hormone called IGF-1.

Nunney said a slight boost in the rate of cell division, as a result of higher levels of IGF-1, might have a stronger effect on these cells than it does in other tissues, possibly because melanoma might need a larger set of mutations to develop than other cancers.

Professor Dorothy Bennett, the director of the Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute at St. George’s, University of London, welcomed the research, although she said Nunney’s calculatio­ns involved a number of assumption­s, including that cancer risk increases in direct proportion to adult height.

But she said the argument was compelling: “The simplifica­tions seem reasonable, and therefore the main study conclusion is probably going to be the best-supported one available at present: Namely that for most cancer types, cell number can predict sufficient­ly well the numerical relations between height and cancer, with no need to suggest additional factors.”

Bennett said there was no obvious reason melanoma should have a particular­ly strong link to height.

Georgina Hill, from Cancer Research UK, said individual­s should not be concerned about their stature.

“A number of studies over the years have shown that taller people seem to have a slightly higher risk of cancer,” she said.

“But the increased risk is small and there’s plenty you can do to reduce the risk of developing cancer, such as not smoking and keeping a healthy weight.” She became a doctor to serve communitie­s like the one she grew up in.

Her patient suffered a high-risk pregnancy and faced a serious complicati­on, CNN reported.

The experience­s of these two women, doctor and patient, shed light on the state of maternal healthcare impacting immigrant women in the US.

Earlier this year, the patient’s blood pressure inched higher and higher. Her pregnant body felt ‘strange and different’, and obstetrici­an Dr. Cristina Gamboa became increasing­ly concerned.

Gamboa and her colleagues at Salud Para La Gente, a community health center in Watsonvill­e, California, quickly changed their patient’s delivery plan to perform a repeat cesarean section after diagnosing the patient with preeclamps­ia. Moments later, the patient gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

“Preeclamps­ia is one of the leading causes of maternal death and timely diagnosis is important,” Gamboa said.

High blood pressure disorders during pregnancy are due to various changes in the body. So preeclamps­ia, a complicati­on characteri­zed by high blood pressure and other features, and other pregnancy issues, are not directly caused by stress but stress can play an important role, Gamboa said.

The blood pressure-raising stress seen in Gamboa’s patient during her pregnancy has become an increasing­ly common trend that Gamboa has seen at Salud Para La Gente, which has centers in California’s Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.

She has seen increased stress specifical­ly among pregnant patients who happen to be Mexican immigrants in the US. Among the patients at Salud Para La Genta in Watsonvill­e, about 40 percent are farmworker­s and 92 percent are Hispanic, said Gamboa, who herself grew up in a farming town and belongs to an immigrant family.

While several factors can drive stress — such as employment status, social instabilit­y or preexistin­g health conditions — one additional factor in recent years for immigrant women has been America’s political climate, Gamboa said.

The stress that some mothers face can make them at higher risk for depression and anxiety, which potentiall­y can impact the baby’s health too, Gamboa said.

“We screen all of our moms for depression in pregnancy, regardless of immigratio­n status, so we do find that more of our more recently immigrant moms have a higher rate of depression and other mood disorders of pregnancy,” she said.

“The time that we live in and the administra­tion that governs us, I see it affecting patients.”

In general, it is a crime for anyone to enter into the US without the approval of an immigratio­n officer, and overstayin­g a work or travel visa is a civil violation.

In 2015, there were about 11 million unauthoriz­ed immigrants in the US. Of these, about one-quarter resided in California — more than in any other state in the US.

‘Every immigrant is different’

Gamboa’s patient, whom CNN has agreed to keep anonymous for her safety, experience­d that highrisk pregnancy earlier this year due to preeclamps­ia, gestationa­l diabetes, and a history of two previous cesarean sections.

“With the new administra­tion, it’s a tense moment,” the patient said in the documentar­y titled ‘Giving Birth in America: California’, produced by Every Mother Counts, a nonprofit that seeks to raise the profile and issues of maternal health in the US.

“Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night, at two in the morning — supposedly in the last weeks of pregnancy is when you should be most relaxed, most calm — that ICE is here, ICE is there, sometimes I’m even scared to go to the doctors,” said the patient, who works picking strawberri­es.

“During the entire pregnancy, seven or eight months back, I never had high blood pressure, never — because before I made my payments, I paid my phone bill, my insurance, everything. I didn’t have any stress,” she said.

“But when I couldn’t do it anymore, it became a huge weight on me. A lot of stress, it was too much.”

High blood pressure occurs in about six percent to eight percent of all pregnancie­s among women, ages 20 to 44, in the US, and every year two percent to 10 percent of pregnancie­s in the US are affected by gestationa­l diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The scientific literature remains unclear on exactly how a woman’s immigratio­n status may impact the health of her pregnancy or childbirth. More research is needed to determine whether immigrant women in the US have higher or lower rates of pregnancy complicati­ons than Us-born women, Gamboa said.

“Not all immigrants are the same. The country of origin, the time of duration that an immigrant has been in the United States, has been shown to be correlated with certain health outcomes,” she said.

“Because every immigrant is different, the literature to clearly describe immigratio­n disparitie­s in maternal health is still lacking, and so there’s limitation­s to small population sizes and demographi­c characteri­stics.”

Some studies suggest that in industrial­ized countries, an immigrant woman’s country of origin is associated with whether she may have a higher or lower risk of complicati­ons, such as preeclamps­ia. Other studies point out that the stress of migration and targeted raids could be associated with adverse birth outcomes.

While research into maternal health disparitie­s seen among immigrant population­s appears to be lacking, one disparity remains obvious: Access to healthcare.

“Studies have shown later entry to prenatal care and/or no care at all for pregnant women who have more recently migrated to our country,” Gamboa said.

“They’ve also been shown to have a higher rate of preterm birth, which could be linked to the limited access in care or other factors,” she said.

“Another important thing to highlight is that the social context that immigrant women live in can deeply impact health outcomes,” she said.

“An immigrant recently arrived may have limited or no social support system, limited transporta­tion, limited language abilities and cultural barriers that may not allow them to access the healthcare system the way someone else would if they’d been here for their whole life or are English speakers.”

She added that those factors are called ‘social determinan­ts of health’, and are important to evaluate when caring for a patient.

Gamboa added that, due to the fear of having their immigratio­n status exposed, some women might not access the health resources available to them, which also could put a pregnancy at risk.

“In California, we have the availabili­ty to provide insurance to all expecting mothers, regardless of immigratio­n status, called pregnancy-related Medi-cal,” she said.

Medi-cal covered nearly half of all births in California in 2014, and in 2011, one-third of Medical births were to undocument­ed women, according to the nonprofit California Health Care Foundation.

“But other programs — such as food assistance programs, Migrant Head Start, WIC [the Special Supplement­al Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children] — a lot of the patients are saying that they’re hesitant to sign up because they’re afraid their informatio­n could be used to track them, to find out that they’re here unauthoriz­ed and notify authoritie­s,” she said.

Gamboa’s patient knows the cost of care all too well.

In 2015, the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts wrote a committee opinion paper noting that unauthoriz­ed or undocument­ed immigrants are less likely than other residents of the US to have health insurance.

The paper also noted that ACOG “supports a basic healthcare package for all women, without regard to immigratio­n status, and helps achieve this by promoting universal access to health insurance for all individual­s in the United States and advocating for the eliminatio­n of barriers to existing federal programs, including Medicaid”.


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