Iran Daily

Five things you should know about extinction crisis


The world is in the midst of an extinction crisis, with plants and animals being lost at a rate not seen since the demise of the dinosaurs.

At the end of a key internatio­nal conference, BBC spoke to Cristiana Paşca Palmer, the executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, about global efforts to stem the destructio­n of nature – and what individual­s can do.

Think about what you eat Think about what you buy Give everyone a voice Understand the implicatio­ns of biodiversi­ty loss

“The variety of plant and animal life in the world (biodiversi­ty) is a capital we cannot afford to lose. By losing it, we disrupt the web of life that supports us,” she said. “I tend to refer to [biodiversi­ty loss] as a silent killer. Because the impact is not as visible as climate change, but in many respects, it’s a lot more dangerous.” What you consume has implicatio­ns for the health of the plant. “I’m not saying that everyone should go vegetarian,” said Palmer, adding, “But, there should be an understand­ing that our meat preference­s contribute to climate change, which in turn contribute­s to affecting habitat and the ecosystems.”

We’re increasing­ly able to trace things back to their source, for example the timber used to make furniture, and the food we buy in the shops. “The consumer can be informed,” she said. “For example, your tuna sandwich – where is that tuna coming from? Is that a habitat which is affected or threatened?”

Care about small plants and animals as well as big charismati­c ones

Palmer said she is often asked why we should care about a butterày going extinct in the Amazon, or the loss of a little beetle.

“The point is that if we lose them we lose their role in the broader system,” she said.

“And progressiv­ely we will see also with climate change the impact – a changing of the good functionin­g of the ecosystems.”

She said efforts to address the loss of nature involve a broad consultati­ve process that is inclusive and transparen­t and takes on board views from the business community, indigenous people, youth and civil society.


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