Iran Daily

Pollution can harm quality of sperm cells


According to the National Health Service (NHS), around one in seven couples in the UK have difficulty conceiving. Infertilit­y in women is most commonly caused by problems with ovulation, while the most common cause of infertilit­y in men is poor-quality semen, wrote.

Possible reasons for abnormal semen include a lack of sperm, sperm that aren’t moving properly and abnormally-shaped sperm. Poor semen or sperm quality can be down to genetics or an underlying medical condition.

But according to fertility specialist Dr. Ferran Garcia, one of the main causes of male infertilit­y is environmen­tal pollution caused by persistent organic pollutants (POPS).

POPS are chemical substances which are generated by humans, usually as a result of industrial processes. They include pesticides, industrial chemicals and by-products of manufactur­ing and combustion processes.

Garcia, who is head of Andrology at fertility clinic Institut Marquès, explains these can interfere in the developmen­t of the testicles, which can affect sperm quality.

“Through industrial processes, these substances are widely dispersed into the environmen­t, and it takes decades for them to degrade

Stick to a healthy weight

Excessive amounts of fat tissue increases the conversion of testostero­ne to estrogen, which can lead to something called ‘secondary hypogonadi­sm’ — a primary testicular failure.

This failure causes a reduction in the release of gonadotrop­ins and a decrease in sperm production.

“Regular exercise and a healthy diet have been proven to increase testostero­ne levels and boost sperm quality, so I always encourage my patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight as best they can,” said Garcia.

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