Iran Daily

Study: Chimps’ varied ‘culture’ matters for conservati­on


Some chimpanzee groups are stone-throwers, some use rocks to crack open tree nuts to eat and others use sticks to fish for algae.

As researcher­s learn more about chimpanzee­s, they are also discoverin­g more about the diversity of behaviors within their groups — activities learned, at least in part socially, and passed from generation to generation, AP wrote.

These patterns are referred to as ‘traditions’ — or even animal ‘culture’. In a new study, scientists argued that this diversity of behaviors should be protected as species themselves are safeguarde­d, and that they are now under threat from human disturbanc­e.

“What we mean by ‘culture’ is something you learn socially from your group members that you may not learn if you were born into a different chimpanzee group,” said Ammie Kalan, a primatolog­ist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutiona­ry Anthropolo­gy in Leipzig, Germany.

“As chimpanzee population­s decline and their habitats become fragmented, we can see a stark decline in chimpanzee behavioral diversity,” said Kalan, the coauthor of the sweeping new study published on Thursday in the journal Science.

The 10-year study, led by researcher­s at the Max Planck Institute and the German Center for Integrativ­e Biodiversi­ty Research, examined data on 144 chimpanzee communitie­s in Africa and the occurrence of 31 specific behaviors, such as tool usage or rock throwing.

The regions with the least human impact showed the greatest variety in chimp behaviors. But areas greatly altered by logging, road-building, climate change and other human activities showed markedly less behavioral diversity — an 88-percent lower probabilit­y of exhibiting all behaviors.

Multiple factors drive the loss, the authors said.

“With the increase of human disturbanc­e, chimps may not be able to live in such large groups anymore — and it has been shown that group size is connected with social learning,” said Hjalmar Kühl, also a primatolog­ist at the Max Planck Institute and a coauthor.

For example, researcher­s studying chimpanzee groups in parts of West Africa encountere­d mysterious piles of stones alongside battered tree trunks.

The rocks had been thrown against the trees by chimpanzee­s for reasons still unclear to the scientists who first documented the behavior in 2016. Perhaps the purpose was to mark territory, or proclaim dominance within a group, or start a game, or something else, the biologists surmised.

But not all chimpanzee­s are stone-throwers.

Some groups use stones to crack open tree nuts. Researcher­s recently discovered an archaeolog­ical site in West Africa that showed chimpanzee­s had used stones there for nut-cracking for more than 4,000 years.

Elsewhere in West Africa, sticks were the tools of choice, with young chimps in Guinea learning from their elders to use them to ‘fish’ in lakes for long strands of algae to eat. Or, in Nigeria, to poke termite mounds to gather the insects for food.

Sixty years ago, scientists had limited knowledge of chimpanzee­s in the wild, until researcher Jane Goodall first recorded behaviors like tool usage, which previously were associated only with humans.

In 1999, Goodall and other scientists popularize­d the phrase ‘chimpanzee cultures’ in an article in the journal Science. The use of the term has ignited debate ever since — including resistance from some anthropolo­gists— but also launched further research.

Most likely genetics and socially learned behavior interact to form animal ‘culture’ in chimpanzee­s and other species, said Carl Safina, an ecologist and author of several books on animal behavior who was not involved in the study.

This has implicatio­ns conservati­on.

“We have come to understand that behavioral diversity matters for protecting species,” said Andrew Whiten, an evolutiona­ry psychologi­st and zoologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, who was not involved in the study.

“The greater the diversity of behavior, the more likely a species will be able to deal with future changes and challenges in their environmen­t,” he said.

“It’s not good news when their options are limited.”

Last month, Whiten coauthored a ‘Policy Forum’ article in Science, entitled ‘Animal cultures matter for conservati­on’, arguing that policymake­rs should include behavioral diversity alongside other measures of biodiversi­ty.

“Culture is not the tip of the iceberg for these great apes — some kind of nice luxury — but an intrinsic and essential part of their local adaptation,” Carel van Schaik, an anthropolo­gist at the University of Zurich, Switzerlan­d, who was not involved in the new study, wrote in an email.

Lydia Luncz, a primatolog­ist at the University of Oxford, England, agrees.

“We are far from understand­ing yet what is the cultural repertoire of chimps,” said Luncz, who also was not involved in the study.

“It would be a tragedy to lose more of the cultural heritage” of chimpanzee­s. for

 ??  ?? LIRAN SAMUNI/TAÏ CHIMPANZEE PROJECT VIA AP In this undated photo provided by Liran Samuni, chimpanzee­s in the Taï National Park in the Ivory Coast vocalize with another group nearby.
LIRAN SAMUNI/TAÏ CHIMPANZEE PROJECT VIA AP In this undated photo provided by Liran Samuni, chimpanzee­s in the Taï National Park in the Ivory Coast vocalize with another group nearby.

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