Iran Daily

Repeated head impacts, brain injury increase risk for depression


Head injuries experience­d while young may increase a person’s risk for depression and dementia decades later, according to a study published by the journal Neurology.

In general, those with a history of repetitive head impacts scored 1.24 points higher on a 15-point depression symptom scale than those without a history, the researcher­s found, UPI reported.

Study participan­ts with a history of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, had scores up to 0.75 points higher, they said.

“The findings underscore that repetitive hits to the head, such as those from contact sport participat­ion or physical abuse, might be associated with laterlife symptoms of depression,” study coauthor Michael Alosco said in a press release.

“It should be made clear that this associatio­n is likely to be dependent on the dose or duration of repetitive head impacts and this informatio­n was not available for this study,” said Alosco, associate professor of neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine.

BU researcher­s have focused on the long-term effects of chronic traumatic encephalop­athy, or CTE, a brain condition seen by profession­al athletes in sports like football and hockey, and some in youth sports, who have experience­d head impact-related injuries.

For the new study, Alosco and colleagues analyzed data on more than 13,000 adults aged 40 and older — with an average age of 62 — from the

Internet-based Brain Health Registry. Among participan­ts, 725, or five percent, reported sustaining previous repetitive head impacts through contact sports, abuse or military service.

In all, 7,277 said they had experience­d TBI, 2,604 with loss of consciousn­ess.

Researcher­s measured depression symptoms among study participan­ts using the Geriatric Depression Scale-15, and assessed cognitive function with Cogstate Brief Battery and Lumos Labs Neurocogni­tive Performanc­e Tests.

Overall, there was a dose-responseli­ke pattern between head trauma and depression symptoms, the researcher­s said. Specifical­ly, participan­ts without any history of either TBI or repetitive head impacts had the fewest symptoms of depression, they said.

However, depression symptoms were highest for the groups who had a history of both repetitive head impacts and TBI, according to the researcher­s.

A similar cumulative effect was observed among those exposed to repetitive head impacts and TBI on tests of memory, learning, processing speed and reaction time, the researcher­s said.

Study participan­ts with a history of repetitive head impacts or TBI had worse performanc­e on some of the tests compared to those without any head trauma history. Those with both a history of repetitive head impacts and TBI with loss of consciousn­ess had worse performanc­e on almost all of these computeriz­ed cognitive tests, they said.

The findings were independen­t of age, sex, racial identity and education level, researcher­s said.

“It should be noted that not all people with a history of repetitive hits to the head will develop later-life problems with cognitive functionin­g and depression,” said study coauthor Robert Stern.

“However, results from this study provide further evidence that exposure to repetitive head impacts, such as through the routine play of tackle football, plays an important role in the developmen­t in these later-life cognitive and emotional problems,” said Stern, director of clinical research at the BU CTE Center.

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