Iran Daily

British PM vows police powers to crack down on protests


NHS workers in London protest against the government for a proper pay rise.

British rie inister iǧ Internatio­nal Desk shi una has proised to ge˜i˜eer pthoeliyce­ncehediedzf­sto“™crhaactǧ

dcou™nntroynisp­fraoctineg­stgsraos™tihnge stries and protests o˜er hiagthecco­hsatnogfel­ǥi˜ing and cliǧ

peaing after the eetǧ oi ng ™riditahyǡ puonliace dlecaldare­erds it ™as “copletely unǧ ™acecreepth­aab˜leindzgthta­htebirrilt­io˜nes diisnrourp­ittyedzǥd by a “selfish “y ˜ie™ is that those ™ho brea the la™ should tfehealtt̵hse™fuhlal tforcaeofditeǡtae­nrdǧ ined to deli˜erǡdz he saidǥ

he prie inister said tbheeinpgo­gli˜cen™neer™e aplor™eaedrys tporoctlea­stsp adnod™™noounldill­heag˜ael ihnigs dfueclliss­i˜ueplypotor­tenind ̶atchteǧ

caiusseerd­y taonodrdii­nsarruypft­aioni̶ǧ liesǥ

arlier this ™eeǡ an proootdese­tyerȃȃa™uhsottootopparitl ̶inialeparfot­teerst ™ileh̶icohf tsai™lǧ bacs on the Britain̵s busǧ aieftsetrcloitobri™ngayuǡptha­eganʹtrͷyǡ ™as Œailed for siš onthsǥ uestntatol apctii˜liisstagnr­oeunp˜ǥironǧ

hile the o™ning treet tsatlrleys­tshedritgh­hattto̶fpurnodtea­st ™enilǧl al™ays be soething ™e protect in this country̶ǡ the perirsoen saiinditsh­teisrs’shospulodneostǧ p̶setorapyle­i̵nstloi˜tersy̶iǥng to disrupt ceentclpar­iotedststhh­aat˜tehbeereen­ǧ

̶dporineg˜ethnet inr gŒopbesǡogpe­ltetifnrgo­to scah˜oeopleoorp­ilned̵seelid˜etrsy̶ǡinagddtoǧ dinognet̶htaott̶acoleretheusǥ t be srpaoniaensoarenignas­sineirstry­a’sǧ naani in a ™itter essage grei˜aecntetdot­tohtehe nep™olpicoe™aenrds saidǡ “he popular proǧ tests in the ǡ eranyǡ trraalniac­aerǡ baandadaan­danddeseru˜seǧ

e cinratchedior ™tanrǡgbeut tctohuenrt­rioiets are good and deser˜e supǧ portdzǥ erenan™ehnitleiǡs­brliotaoini̵ns goa˜tǧ bringing in the ilitary to rhinuecnll­pundineingegpi­ifpnutebhyleic™stsoaetre˜ǧiercruesn­sǡ

taateionstarl­ieaaltchtio­enrǡ˜ticheeǡ choanisrer˜aantio˜fetheargto­y˜searindion­ng Burnitdaai­ynǥ is already grapǧ pinlinagr™anitgheino­df ussetcrtia­olrascǡ tbiount no™ faces stries by thouǧ asannddasobf unluarnsce­es ™inornegrlasnind

ngland and ales ™ho plan to ™al out later this ditoinonths­ǥo˜er pay and conǧ u̶niuornsisestsoasg­aey t̵tohitshies not a tie to strieǡ this is a tie to try and negotiǧ athtea̵tǥǡ Bituits intphoertaab­nstefnocre­thoef go˜ernentǥǥǥ to ha˜e conǧ tiena™dgehsnǥicy palhaan™s iintopldla­ceǡy̶

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