Belfast Telegraph

Anger grows at bishop’s cancer jab comments


AN Irish bishop has been urged to withdraw comments over the safety of a vaccine that protects women from cervical cancer.

Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Phonsie Cullinan said recently that giving the injection to 12-year-old girls to guard against the human papillomav­irus (HPV) could cause promiscuit­y.

Yesterday, the Associatio­n of Catholic Priests (ACP) said that while his comments could be considered idiosyncra­tic, “they were ill-informed and dangerous”.

“Parents who may be convinced that he enjoys some competence in this area could follow his advice and unwittingl­y put their children at risk,” the ACP said.

“Sadly, his comments also bring the Irish Catholic Church into further disrepute, suggesting a nonchalanc­e about women’s health and an obsession with sexuality.

“The ACP further asks the Irish bishops to disassocia­te themselves from Bishop Cullinan’s comments and to support the medical and scientific evidence that makes the vaccine a vital protection against cervical cancer.”

The bishop said last week that he believed the HPV vaccine “could certainly lead to a false sense of security” and “gets people to think they are fully protected”.

He added: “Prevention, the number one and most effective protection is abstinence. A good old traditiona­l value.”

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