Belfast Telegraph

Nolan’s TV show offers little evidence that young people are inclined to make a break from the past


I listened to the latest round of Stephen Nolan’s new show ‘Top Table’ which again takes the most divisive issues withapanel­andanaudie­nce.The dismal outcome of this media bearpit is that there are no demarcatio­n lines in politics and society between old and young. Yet we look to our younger generation for guidance.

In June 2013 I was invited to listen to President Obama’s speech in the Waterfront Hall. Those who had a chance to attend cannot fail to have been uplifted by a schoolgirl, who said: “We must accept our difference­s if we are to move forward. I think that my age group should be the focus.”

President Obama in response declared of young people: “It’s within your power to bring about change.”

Rousing stuff, but a conceit of the political reality we have inherited through the veto of mandatory coalition.

Until such times as young people can rise up and coalesce into a new political movement their only option is to vote for more of the same.

To date, there is not the slightest inclinatio­n in young people to make that happen. Instead, as voting shows, we have another generation tainted and brainwashe­d by the self-serving political issues of the past.

There is ample evidence that young people have long ago either distanced themselves from politics here or, by voting with their feet to leave, they have distanced themselves from the future of Northern Ireland.


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