Belfast Telegraph

Northern Ireland abortion law ‘inhuman and degrading’, Supreme Court told


Samantha Jarvis:

I don’t think any of us who have been fortunate enough to never be in a position to have to make a decision should judge. Personally, I’m against abortion, but I’m not going to stand over a rape victim and demand they have that baby.

James Alexander:

In a perfect world, abortion would always be wrong and immoral. But, alas, we do not live in a perfect world.

Sandra Walsh:

Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. Fatal foetal abnormalit­y is definitely a case for abortion and should be available in NI. Cases of rape and incest also should be given considerat­ion, particular­ly if the woman/girl is very young, or a vulnerable adult. ‘Social’ abortion is not acceptable.

Marlene Allen:

Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. Oh, and mind your own business while you’re at it.

Seamus O’Reilly:

Don’t like slavery? Don’t buy one. Don’t like murders? Well, don’t do a murder. And don’t poke your nose into those who do.

Marlene Allen:

Hardly the same. Removal of choice is something everyone should be worried about. It’s a matter of conscience, regardless of your ineffectiv­e attempts to make it anything other than that.

Ann Cunningham:

It is everyone’s business to stand up against abortion, as the baby has no voice to speak for itself.

Ryan Derry:

Unless you personally go through an ordeal, you yourself have no right to pass judgment, comment or make snide remarks. I’m not trying to stop people having an opinion. I’m simply pointing out they are in no position to pass judgment. That’s different from trying to silence people.

Seamus O’Reilly:

A judgment is being passed on the child — one that will end with its death.

Marlene Allen:

Seamus, the issues are of choice and conscience. Once society removes freedom of choice, we should all be worried.

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