Belfast Telegraph

Sufficient progress, but more work needed on managing border after exit: D UP


Ciaran Caughey: Everyone born in the Six Counties remains a citizen of the EU. This means people in whole 32 counties remain citizens of the EU. Irish reunificat­ion has been achieved.

Scott McDowell:

Ha, ha. Wishful thinking. No special status, as demanded by Sinn Fein. No staying in the single market. We are leaving the EU.

Billy Lennox:

What about the free Ireland that people were told they were fighting for? A free Ireland not ruled by Britain, but ruled by Brussels. Ireland will never be free.

Christine Ann Cunningham:

We are all British citizens in the Six Counties.

Neil Gillespie:

Who exactly wanted, or called for, a hard border? Did any party, at any point since the referendum result, call for a hard border?

Scott McDowell: There was never going to be one. May stated it from the off and so did Foster, but republican­s still got their knickers in a twist.

Cheryl Lo:

There never was going to be a hard border. No one wanted it.

Dave Lee:

From my understand­ing, if no further amendments are made, the UK remains in the customs union in order to ensure internal market and customs market align with Good Friday Agreement and north-south alignment. So, Arlene’s right: no special status for Northern Ireland, but all of UK remains in customs union by default.

Neil Gillespie:

Dave, am I missing something? The text I’ve read explicitly states the entire UK (including Northern Ireland) will leave the single market and customs union.

Dave Lee:

I have no idea what you’re reading, then, because it seems pretty clear and the political commentato­rs are reporting/saying the same thing as I am. Suffice to say, the text is vague and up to interpreta­tion.

Dee Corry:

Think the confusion comes from May stating the UK will still be leaving the single market and customs union, whereas paragraph 59 and 50 state they won’t, in absence of agreement. Call it special status, call it not. Either way, it shows Brexit to be pointless.

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