Belfast Telegraph





1. Nail care equipment (8,3) 9. Report (7) 10. Engine (5) 11. Muslim religion (5) 12. Sailing boats (7) 13. Requiring fast action (6) 15. Oration (6) 18. Weapon (7) 20. Behave troublesom­ely (3,2) 22. Monarch (5) 23. Ruffle (7) 24. Lido (7,4)


2. Make void (5) 3. Cruel (7) 4. Make loose (6) 5. Ant (5) 6. Intense (7) 7. Farming (11) 8. Insect (11) 14. Large ape (7) 16. Vegetable broth (3,4) 17. Funeral casket (6) 19. Planet (5) 21. Dance (5)



1. Man, I make better collection of handy tools (8,3) 9. Shooters straight off the fire - or straight off the firing line? (7) 10. Engine driver (5) 11. Liam's type of religion (5) 12. Censors scissors (7) 13. Press point, then first it requires prompt attention (6) 15. Maiden, the first address (6) 18. Being mainly Tory, mixed dope and made a missile (7) 20. Account put back. What a way to play the fool (3,2) 22. "Ay, every inch a king" (5) 23. Parade around with petticoat frills? (7) 24. Wash Kitty, having swallowed mixed gin. Fun for a splash! (7,4)


2. Cancel a yearly expression (5) 3. One point on being unkind (7) 4. United Nations food could loosen the bedding (6) 5. In them metropolis­es you'll find a tiny worker! (5) 6. Uproot Mexican tree? I cannot, at the utmost (7) 7. Landed job - possibly a guilt curer (11) 8. Torn rags the purchaser found in the garden (11) 14. Go to the stream - a big ape you! (7) 16. Foggy start to the menu? (3,4) 17. The final box (6) 19. Global soil (5) 21. Lively dance - all beat and go (5)

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