Belfast Telegraph

Sinn Fein and DUP lay down markers as new Stormont talks begin


Risteard O Slatara: Leo Varadkar made it very clear in his statement yesterday that its the DUPers and their intransige­nce that is blocking power sharing. A Free Presbyteri­an State for a Free Presbyteri­an people.

John Kelly: And ultimately after several weeks of missed deadlines they’ll all agree it was themuns’ fault and there will then be an intense period of recriminat­ions and whataboute­ry... Hester Jo: Please move forward! Please work for the people and this country!

Mark McDougall: By dragging your feet on every issue, you advance further the cause of your opponent. By allowing some give and take you can maintain some moral high ground that you’ve been willing to budge. Frankly you owe it to the people and the taxpayers who have elected you to make some kind of agreement and just get on with it. Unresolved issues can be argued at a later stage.

Sam Millar: How can any intelligen­t person trust a Unionist crocodile?

George Connolly: How can any intelligen­t person trust any politician anywhere in the world regardless of your background and political allegiance?

William Andrews: Sinn Fein should hand the OTR letters in, hand the sectarian murder gangs in.

John Fielding: Here we go again. All living in the past, lets move forward.

Tom Horrigan: Yes, you are right it is now time to move forward and for all political parties to do the job they all are paid to do. So please cut out the sniping from all sides, that will solve nothing. Maybe if people don’t respond it will defuse such negativity, we all now move forward in peace, as a people.

Bomber Brown: The ‘Give Way’ sign [on the approach to Stormont] should say ‘Give Up’. If I had my way, I would turn Stormont into a car park.

Chris McCaw: Reform of the petition of concern should top the agenda.

David Holmes: What’s the bets the Shinners come out with everything they want this time.

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