Belfast Telegraph

‘I love toast if I am stressed’


Joan Burney Keatings (43), chief executive of Cinemagic, lives in Moira with husband Jonathan Keatings (40) and their daughters Zara (9) and Savanna (6). She says:

It has been the big discussion in our house all week. Zara is not going to give anything up but instead is going to try and get herself super healthy and do 13,000 steps a day with her Fitbit.

Savanna is going to try and not ask for mummy’s mobile phone all the time to watch endless videos. I am going to try to give up nibbling at night and I am going to cut out bread.

Between us we are still trying to think of something that Johnny can give up. I am a complete nibbler and especially if I have had a really busy day at work I will just spend the night eating, usually cheese or whatever bad things there are in the house.

I love bread and I eat it every day. If I am stressed the first thing I reach for is tea and toast. It is going to be hard to give it up but I am going to try.

I try and give something up for Lent every year and I always start off with the best intentions in the world but I have only made it to Easter a couple of times.

There is definitely a religious aspect to it for me and I think to be discipline­d enough to give something up is to remember what this time of the year is all about.

I am going to try really hard this year, there is not going to be a piece of bread in sight.”

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