Belfast Telegraph

US craft beer named after Gerry Adams angers family of IRA victim


Marissa Rooney: Lmao. Poor loyalists aren’t getting it easy.

John Smith: The way “poor loyalists” are “getting it” has not fluctuated, or deviated one way or the other because of a beer company in the USA, Marissa. You really do need to put your phone down and get to the library. Or work, perhaps.

Marissa Rooney: Ah, John Smith. Did I hurt your feelings, wee man? You should join me in the library.

Matthew Soppitt: Who cares? It’s only a beer. Ulster will never surrender. We will always be British.

Louis Stewart: Marissa Rooney, Guinness was made by a good Irish Protestant, Arthur Guinness. Enjoy St Patrick’s Day. I know I shall.

Marissa Rooney: Louis Stewart, I don’t drink, so I don’t care who makes Guinness.

Danny Morrow: Whataboute­ry. It’s always funny to see it.

Paddy Rodgers: Danny Morrow, facts — not whataboute­ry.

Si Richmond: Must be empty bottles, because aul Gerry wasn’t in anything.

Ian Riley: Side-effects of this beer include selective memory loss, delusional, slurred voice and inability to string a sentence together in Gaelic language.

Aine Green: Comes in several flavours, but not in bitter orange.

Matthew Hollars: It’s probably like any other craft beer — more focus on cheap shock value than on taste.

Matt Jones: Looks like a republican beer on the outside, but is a nice English ale on the inside.

Ted Mackey: “I was never in the IPA”

Yvonne McNeilly: If you sup with the devil, you need a long spoon.

Peter Logan: Isitabitte­r ale?

Gordon Willis: I’m sure there’s a right bitter taste from it.

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