Belfast Telegraph

There can be no argument about abortion — it’s an act of murder that flies in the face of God’s will


I WRITE to you on the referendum on the repeal of the eighth amendment in the Irish Republic. Now we hear the cry for reform in Northern Ireland, even if this is forced against the will of its people and certainly against the will of our creator.

I have a love for the people of the Republic of Ireland, having worked there for four years. But I don’t love what they have done — the latest action being to open the door to unrestrict­ed abortion up to 12 weeks and for other reasons after 12 weeks.

In England and Wales, 20% of all pregnancie­s end in abortion, with 38% being repeat abortions of healthy babies by healthy women. Globally, it rises to 25% of pregnancie­s ending in abortion.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, murder is defined as “the unlawful, premeditat­ed killing of one human by another”.

This view is supported by the law of the land in Northern Ireland, namely the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act.

God tells us clearly, in the Sixth Commandmen­t, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), and in Jeremiah 1:5: “Before you where formed in the womb, I knew you.” Finally in Psalm 139:13: “You knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

So, if you believe that you are made by God and that you are, therefore, subject to him, as he is sovereign over all, there is no argument when it comes to abortion: it is clearly against God’s will and an act of murder. This position is supported by the current legal framework in Northern Ireland.

Edmund Burke said: “All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” We in Northern Ireland cannot be so foolish and not realise that we have a fight on our hands; we can’t be neutral on right and wrong.

Thankfully, there is a promise for Northern Ireland. We are reminded (in Proverbs 14:34) that “Righteousn­ess exalts a nation”. God has a plan for the UK and Ireland. And — praise God — Northern Ireland is part of his plan.


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