Belfast Telegraph

Gregory Campbell calls for removal of sectarian graffiti


Liz Lyness: Never saw a place like this for going backwards. If it’s not this sectariani­sm, it’s racism. Sickening, really. You just blame each other. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind.

Paul Freaney: What’s a few letters on the ground that nobody sees — unless they go out of their way to find them, as this is a really busy part of road? Gregory needs to shape up or ship out. It’s the likes of Gregory on both sides of the divide that’s keeping this country the way it is. What’s more important? A few letters on the ground, or our health service, education system, employment and investment?

William Mann: Why should we ignore this blatant, naked hatred towards our neighbours?

Jim Lindsay: No matter who writes it, it’s time to grow up and move away from stupidity.

June Johnston: This country is going nowhere.

Clem O Buadhachai­n: We would all like to move on, but the DUP have ensured that is not going to happen anytime soon.

Linda Kelly: Clem O Buadhachai­n, people do condemn things like this when they happen to any community, but you just want to score points and keep the divide open. Grow up. No one needs dinosaurs anymore.

Phyllis Montgomery Wilson: This is sad. Did we not grow up? We’re stuck in the past. We’re better than this.

Steph Mills: None of us need this in 2018.

Caroline Rice: I blame politics and Stormont (or the lack of it). Services are struggling, people are worse off and anger is really boiling over at the minute.

Colin Armstrong: Caroline Rice, I agree with you 100%. Without strong leadership, we have nothing.

Margaret Stewart: Disgracefu­l.

Johnny Crawford: Once again, words mean so much.

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