Belfast Telegraph

Disabled NI boy discovers love for basketball in sport scheme


A YOUNG boy has found the courage to join a wheelchair basketball club thanks to a foundation set up in memory of tragic footballer Ryan McBride.

Cianain Campbell (10) needs a wheelchair or walking aid to get around.

But he’s been given a big confidence boost thanks to a scheme run by the Ryan McBride Foundation and has joined a basketball club.

The foundation also offers a football programme with workshops to improve mental health and well-being in schools in Lon- donderry, with coaching from Derry City players.

Cianain, who rarely participat­ed in sport because of his disability, was encouraged to join in.

His mother Paula was so surprised when he came home excited about playing football that she went along the following day to see for herself.

She explained: “Cianain has always been such a happy child, he doesn’t let anything bother him.

“He always says ‘I don’t need to walk, I’m fine the way I am’. He didn’t really get involved in sport because he didn’t think he could do it.

“I was surprised the day Cianain came home and said ‘I can do football, mummy’.

“I didn’t understand how he could so I went along to the next class to watch him and I was amazed. I was so proud seeing him taking part just like everyone else.

“Having the players there who took the time to show him how he could use his walking trolley to play really helped him.”

Cianain enjoyed it so much that he has now taken up wheelchair basketball.

Paula added: “We discovered wheelchair basketball which he’s been going to and is thriving. He’s really finding himself.”

The Ryan McBride Foundation was set up in memory of the Derry City captain who died in March 2017.

His sister Caitlin said Ryan would have been very proud of the programme.

“Ryan was passionate about working with young people and going into local schools was a big part of his life,” she said.

“So for us to be able to carry on his work through the foundation is amazing.

“This project is something he would’ve been part of if he was here.

“I’m proud that we are improving young peoples’ lives in his name.”

 ??  ?? Cianain Campbell with Derry City players Conor McDermott and Dean Jarvis taking part in the scheme run by The Ryan McBride Foundation
Cianain Campbell with Derry City players Conor McDermott and Dean Jarvis taking part in the scheme run by The Ryan McBride Foundation

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