Belfast Telegraph

Planning to be approved for 187 Co Down houses


A BELFAST-based constructi­on company’s bid to build 187 new homes in Newtownard­s is set to be approved on Tuesday.

Fraser Houses’ plan involves a mix of townhouses, semi-detached and detached homes with garages, on a site in the north east of the town, next to Old Forge Avenue.

It marks the second phase of developmen­t in the area after the builder was granted permission to build 100 houses on a site immediatel­y to the south in February 2016.

That plan was later reduced to a bid for 94 units.

Constructi­on is already at an advanced stage in the scheme’s first phase.

The second phase of the mas- sive residentia­l project has already been given the thumbs up from planning officials at Ards and North Down Borough Council.

Councillor­s on the planning committee are expected to grant the official green light on Tuesday.

A report compiled by planning officials describes the site location as mainly agricultur­al fields, and a mix of area zoned as open space and zoned for housing.

The site is bounded by other housing developmen­ts and a waste processing business and former quarry site to the south east.

The document reveals that no objections were lodged by any statutory body.

A pre-community consultati­on exercise was also carried out in March 2017.

“A number of objections were also lodged in respect of the height of the two-storey townhouses,” the report says.

However after considerat­ion, planners recommende­d granting permission.

“It is the profession­al planning judgment that the proposal will cause no detriment to the character of the site and wider area,” the officials report.

“The impact on neighbouri­ng properties has been assessed in detail and it is considered that the proposal will not result in any unacceptab­le adverse impact on existing or proposed residentia­l amenity.

“Having weighed all material considerat­ions, it is recommende­d that this applicatio­n proceeds by way of an approval of planning permission, subject to execution of a planning agreement.”

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