Belfast Telegraph




7. A subject causing

trouble? (5)

8. Most woe begotten

pair (7)

9. Hit legs into shape to

gain dexterity (7)

10. Archers may fire or

speak with it (5)

12. To borrow money and

move away is risky


15. A retiring habit (10)

18. Make an excellent start,

and do even better (5)

19. Institutio­n outlet after providing study (7)

21. Gave evidence and was

kicked out of office (7)

22. Wait to start a game

perhaps (5)


1. The knowledge of the most suitable gear to use (5,5)

2. Went back to sea? (5) 3. A standard laid down to

help pave the way (4) 4. Still among the best at

ice-hockey (6) 5. Shows fish that are

left (8) 6. Company has guardians not voted for bravery (7) 11. Be a superior gardener, and become even more so (4,6) 13. Be superior to other

pupils (8) 14. Their contents will be

cracked (7) 16. Go back and make a

further concession? (6)

17. Centre of the earth (5) 20. Egg production

centre (4)

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