Belfast Telegraph



Leo Laydon: Orange state is gone. Nothing to celebrate.

Glenn Dougherty: Some cheek, coming from her wee banana republic bailed out by the Brits.

GR Rutherford: Where will you fit 500,000 loyalists? Nah, we’ll stick around for the party.

Mary Gribben: It is not a state in terms of its status, never mind demographi­cs and land mass. It’s actually a devolved administra­tion under UK jurisdicti­on. If it was a state, it could declare war, have its own currency, have embassies and be in the EU in its own right.

Dylan Rafferty: And so, the bickering begins. Good job, Mary Lou.

Ross Buchanan: Another day in Northern Ireland. Aaron Brown: I’m outraged by whatever it is.

Paul Casey: Deluded, brainwashe­d republican­s.

David O’Connell: Tit-fortat is the order of the day.

Richard Brown: This is respect, Sinn Fein-style. Get everything and give nothing. How do they think that will unite Ireland?

Sammy Jamieson: She wasn’t even a thought when Northern Ireland was formed. She will be long gone and it will still be Northern Ireland.

Leonard Leader: Mary Lou McDonald is 49 and is likely to be involved in politics in some form until her death. The average life-expectancy for a woman in Ireland in 2018 is 81.6 years. She, therefore, has on average another 33 years left. Andrew Stewart: Great that our wee country interests a Dublin native so much.

Geoff Dickson: Sick of this tit-for-tat. Meanwhile, our hospitals, education etc are crumbling.

Paul Tex: Ulster has never been in a better position. It’s estimated 33% of northern Catholics would vote to remain in the Union.

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