Belfast Telegraph

Abortion legalisati­on a frightenin­g prospect


TODAY in Northern Ireland and across the UK pro-abortion activists are laying the ground for a new, 21st century “Tuam” — and telling us it is progress.

These people are pushing for the decriminal­isation of abortion via the removal of sections 58, 59 and 60 of the Offences Against The Person Act 1861.

The draft legislatio­n we have seen would allow a woman to self-abort a baby at 39 weeks and conceal its body without any crime being committed.

This is not safe for women or unborn children.

It also means that any woman, anywhere in the United Kingdom, could recreate some of the offences committed at Tuam, or worse, in their own bathroom without impediment: the deliberate death and disposal of a human baby without record, without dignity.

This is an extremely offensive and graphic image that will be dismissed with faux-horror by many who support abortion.

But this is the reality of abortion and part of the reason why criminal laws are important around the ending of human life and the disposal of human remains.

You cannot be outraged about the horrors of Tuam while advocating for the decriminal­isation of abortion at the same time.

And we cannot give babies dignity in death without first giving them dignity in life.

DAWN MCAVOY Both Lives Matter

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