Belfast Telegraph





7. Pluck (5) 8. Cut-out design device (7) 9. Bill (7) 10. Shackles (5) 12. Workman who works in retail stores (10) 15. Used (6-4) 18. New ---, Indian city (5) 19. One who moves abroad (7) 21. Archbishop (7) 22. Medal (5)


1. Averse (10) 2. Impel (5) 3. Fairy-like creature (4) 4. Dormant (6) 5. Exam preparatio­n (8) 6. Takes aside (7) 11. Flood (6,4) 13. Hindrance (8) 14. Applaud (7) 16. Picnic basket (6) 17. Popish (5) 20. Pleased (4)



7. It is lost in the panic (5) 8. Clients conform to a pattern (7) 9. Bill waxing vocal? (7) 10. In which one is bound to be clapped? (5) 12. Does he help us to make more healthy purchases? (10) 15. Not new on watch (6-4) 18. In a citadel hidden away in India (5) 19. Grim outlook for worker periodical­ly on the move (7) 21. He's top in Church and animal orders (7) 22. Grant proves a drawback (5)


1. At home inclined to be mildly unwell (10) 2. Does it mean the golfer doesn't have to walk? (5) 3. Fairy has some improper intentions (4) 4. Not on the alert, please! (6) 5. Correction about dream (8) 6. Opens conversati­on on current charges (7) 11. Movement of the sea in leap year? (6,4) 13. The set of cards I can beat proves a disadvanta­ge (8) 14. Hail demand on account (7) 16. Impede using a picnic basket (6) 17. Father takes friend from the Vatican (5) 20. Happy for boy to have letterhead (4)

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