Belfast Telegraph

Tory minister resigns with demand for a final say vote


JO Johnson dramatical­ly quit as Transport Minister yesterday, branding Theresa May’s Brexit plan a “con” and demanding a final say referendum.

The Remain-supporting brother of Boris Johnson described the Prime Minister’s negotiatio­ns as a “failure of British statecraft on a scale unseen since the Suez crisis”.

In a devastatin­g indictment of Mrs May’s strategy, he accused her of planning to trap the UK in a “boundless transition­ary period” for years, with key controvers­ies undecided.

Warning Britain “stands on the brink of the greatest crisis since the Second World War”, Mr Johnson added: “The democratic thing to do is to give the public the final say.”

The resignatio­n was not immediatel­y followed by any other ministeria­l walkouts, but was a serious blow to Mrs May’s hopes of a smooth path to an agreement next week.

It came as the DUP stepped up its threats to vote against it over the Irish border “backstop”. It accused the Prime Minister of betraying her promise not to sign a withdrawal deal that could open the door to a customs border in the Irish sea.

In a long article, Mr Johnson said it was “increasing­ly clear” that the withdrawal deal “will be a terrible mistake”, saying: “The choice being presented to the British people is no choice at all.

“The first option is the one the Government is proposing: an agreement that will leave our country economical­ly weakened, with no say in the EU rules it must follow and years of uncertaint­y for business.

“The second option is a nodeal Brexit that I know as a transport minister will inflict untold damage on our nation. To present the nation with a choice between two deeply unattracti­ve outcomes, vassalage and chaos, is a failure of British statecraft on a scale unseen since the Suez crisis.”

Mr Johnson became the ninth Tory MP to back a fresh referendum. He wrote: “Given that the reality of Brexit has turned out to be so far from what was once promised, the democratic thing to do is to give the public the final say.

“This would not be about rerunning the 2016 referendum, but about asking people whether they want to go ahead with Brexit now that we know the deal that is actually available to us, whether we should leave without any deal at all or whether people on balance would rather stick with the deal we already have inside the European Union.”

The resignatio­n immediatel­y drew praise from Boris Johnson — even though the pair walked out of the Government from opposite sides of the Brexit controvers­y.

“Boundless admiration as ever for my brother Jo,” the former Foreign Secretary tweeted. “We may not have agreed about Brexit but we are united in dismay at the intellectu­ally and politicall­y indefensib­le of the UK position.”

Conservati­ve Party supporters of a ‘final say’ referendum were quick to react.

Anna Soubry tweeted: “Huge respect for @JoJohnsonU­K. It’s tough resigning from a ministeria­l post, he’s done the right thing. Now is the time for people to stand up for what they believe in or we will sleepwalk to a #Brexit disaster.”

Jenny Chapman, Labour’s shadow Brexit minister, said Mr Johnson was the 18th minister to quit Mrs May’s Government, adding: “She has lost all authority and is incapable of negotiatin­g a Brexit deal within her own party, let alone with the EU.”

Downing Street said: “The referendum in 2016 was the biggest democratic exercise in this country’s history. We will not under any circumstan­ces have a second referendum. The prime minister thanks Jo Johnson for his work in Government.”

 ??  ?? Resigned: Jo Johnson
Resigned: Jo Johnson

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