Belfast Telegraph

What Mrs May is offering is unsellable in its present language

Jon Tonge

- Jon Tonge Jon Tonge is Professor of Politics at the University of Liverpool

So, the endgame then. For the last year the DUP have been supplying the Government with anything but confidence. The June 2016 sweetheart deal was horribly misnamed.

Now, finally, the DUP has called time on the Conservati­ve government’s obfuscatio­ns and ambiguitie­s.

Equally, Theresa May has begun to call time on the DUP, whilst pretending otherwise.

The Prime Minister’s leaked letter to the DUP insists that ‘she could not accept there being any circumstan­ces or conditions in which that “backstop to the backstop” which would break up the UK customs territory, could come into force’.

The UK would remain a single customs unit, temporaril­y aligned to the EU.

Did the PM really expect the DUP not to notice the absence of a similar guarantee to Northern Ireland regarding regulatory territory?

Dominic Raab might forget about Calais to Dover. Arlene, Nigel and Sammy were never going to do likewise for Stranraer to Larne.

For the DUP, the position is clear. If Theresa May really believes the exercise of a backstop, or a backstop to a backstop, cannot or will not happen on her watch — why sign up to a deal which keeps the possibilit­y, however remote, of it happening?

And the possibilit­y of a prolonged backstop is not remote at all. The chances of concluding an all-encompassi­ng deal with the EU sometime soon seem about as good as those for an early restoratio­n of the Stormont Assembly.

So a backstop moving from temporary to semi-permanent status is probable. And for the DUP any ‘Northern Ireland only’ backstop feature remains as untenable as it was a year ago.

The DUP position has some logic in terms of the party’s own worldview — in which economics and constituti­onal issues are intertwine­d.

In a week in which Canadian economists have hailed the potential value of an all-island economy in a United Ireland, the DUP has again stressed the value of the UK single market.

And the DUP steadfastl­y refuses greater alignment with Ireland which risks Irish unity.

What, after all, if unionists get to like the dual trading arrangemen­ts of the supposed EU protectora­te — a single EU market trading healthily across the border and the rest of the EU states — plus a largely unchanged UK single market?

They might dilute or even desert a unionism which is struggling demographi­cally, politicall­y and ideologica­lly.

Whether, in terms of objective economics or constituti­onal analysis, the DUP’s position makes sense is another matter.

There is no irrefutabl­e evidence that a small increase in regulation of trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland will diminish that trade.

A more politicall­y dexterous DUP leadership might be less concerned with a modest extension of regulatory checks on goods travelling between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. There is already online documentat­ion for the transit of such goods.

As for the constituti­onal question, Northern Ireland’s status within the UK is determined by the consent principle of the Good Friday Agreement, not by any one of Barnier, May or Varadkar.

But the DUP can hardly row back now.

What Theresa May is offering is unsellable in its present language even if the Prime Minister turns up on bended knee at the DUP conference two weeks from today offering another billion pounds.

So what can the DUP do, other than rage?

It’s the Labour 257 (minus a few outright Brexiteers like Kate Hoey) who may matter far more than the DUP 10. If the Prime Minister can soften Brexit sufficient­ly — and a Customs Union plus an EU Single Market for Northern Ireland is on the cushioned landing side perhaps — then Labour might, just might, abstain or even back the government.

That’s possibly a bigger ask than the Labour leadership rememberin­g all six of their supposed Brexit “tests”.

But Labour acquiescen­ce would mean DUP irrelevanc­e in terms of the parliament­ary voting arithmetic.

If Labour rejects the government’s proposals, the DUP parliament­ary vote remains important.

Conservati­ve Brexiteer opposition (too soft a withdrawal) plus DUP antipathy (Northern Ireland’s position is paramount) plus hostility from all the other parties (Brexit seen as disastrous) means no parliament­ary majority for the government proposals.

That in turn probably means (a) back to Brussels for a better deal — good luck with that; (b) general election — a snap election having worked out so well for the Conservati­ves last time; or (c) a so-called People’s Vote.

And with that last option there is the possibilit­y that the Brexit that 70% of DUP voters chose in 2016 doesn’t happen at all ...

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