Belfast Telegraph

Dublin pulls funding for Northern Ireland’s ‘most dangerous road’ upgrade


Charlie Stewart: they going to pay back Are the £150m they owe the UK?

Seosamh O Murchu: Charlie Stewart, why don’t you ask them?

Michael Invicto: Charlie Stewart, yes. They will also buy everyone a 99p Flake.

Michael O’Sullivan: Charlie Stewart, the North hasn’t paid into the London Exchequer since the 1940s and has to be bailed out yearly. Also, Ireland owes Britain nothing. The money was used to bail out British banks in Ireland, leaving the Irish taxpayer to pay it back with interest.

Dub Loyal: Charlie Stewart, you stole enough when you were plundering and pillaging.

Dan O’Hagan: Charlie Stewart, Ireland is the third-richest country in Europe. Where is NI? A poor region which needs a serious amount of funding. It’s the Irish taxpayer who bailed out the bankers, not the UK. We are paying it back. Britain doesn’t want Northern Ireland, especially with Stone Age bigots.

Sean O’Callaghan:

Michael O’Sullivan, you’re wasting your time explaining about the bailout. They know it’s true, but they prefer to look stupid.

Daire O’Bruinleath: If they owe the UK, that money goes to London, not Northern Ireland.

Sean Mee: Daire O’Bruinleath, yes — and on time (it will be paid by 2021). You also have to remember that Ireland was going to let the banks fail but was persuaded by the UK to bail them out, because it would have devastated the UK economy, as the banks were mostly UKowned.

Melissa Deane: So,Irish taxpayers are paying for road upgrades in another jurisdicti­on? Let the people up North fund it.

Tommy Johnston: Melissa Deane, that’s fine, as long as non-NI lorries and cars pay a toll.

Jim Vance: Melissa Deane, when we leave on March 29 with no deal, we will pay for it ourselves, because we won’t be funding the EU. Oh, and let’s see how the Republic of Ireland gets on putting up a hard border.

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