Belfast Telegraph

Sinn Fein trampling over right to life by ushering in the most permissive abortion regime in Europe


SINN Fein’s knowledge of legislatio­n passed by Westminste­r will have undoubtedl­y alerted the party to its profound and widespread ramificati­ons.

Abortion is a sensitive and emotive issue, requiring compassion and grace for both mother and baby. In every case, there are two human lives involved. One will continue, the other will not.

Tragically, Sinn Fein seems to totally ignore the unborn child. Why? The science of embryology has shown that what is inside every pregnant mother’s womb is a unique human being.

Does Sinn Fein not consider it a positive achievemen­t that over 100,000 people are alive in Northern Ireland because the law here is more protective of the unborn child than in the rest of the UK? Some of those 100,000 people may be Sinn Fein supporters.

I understand Sinn Fein does not support the extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to Northern Ireland. This is good since only 2% of the over nine million abortions in GB since 1967 have been for babies with a life-limiting condition or who were the result of sexual crimes.

What Sinn Fein completely fails to mention is that what will apply in Northern Ireland from October 22 is much worse. Essentiall­y, what Sinn Fein has welcomed is that Northern Ireland will have, for all intents and purposes, abortion on request up to 28 weeks.

Accordingl­y, Northern Ireland will then have the most permissive legislatio­n in Europe, where, on average, the limit is 12 weeks (24 weeks in Britain).

It is puzzling why Sinn Fein, as a proud all-Ireland political party, thinks it would be appropriat­e for Northern Ireland’s law to be considerab­ly more liberal than the Republic’s, where it is only 12 weeks. Can the party please clarify this point?


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