Belfast Telegraph

Johnson and Farage attempting stitch-up


GENERAL Melchett’s comment in Blackadder is reminiscen­t of the Tory Brexiteer attitude: “If nothing else works, a total, pig-headed unwillingn­ess to look facts in the face will see us through.”

Like the First World War generals — safe miles behind the lines, sending thousands of soldiers to their deaths against a better organised and equipped German force — the current crop of Tory public school elitist demagogues plough on oblivious to their own analysis, showing Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan would shrink the economy by 6.7% over the next 15 years, leaving the average person £2,250 a year worse off.

Now into this cornucopia of deceit strides ‘Bottler’ Farage to, in essence, ally himself with a deal he has dismissed as “not Brexit” and shows himself up for what he is — a petty wannabe clinging onto Johnson’s coat-tails, no doubt looking for the crumbs that may fall off the Tory table should they prove successful in the coming election.

So, Johnson and Farage, a pair of Del Boys, have allied in an effort to stitch up the vote in favour of a Conservati­ve victory. So much for integrity, honesty and loyalty.

More and more, this election is turning into a tactical battle and it remains to be seen where it will settle and whether, in the final analysis, a European-style coalition government will emerge against the Brexit/ Tory alliance.

‘Bottler’ Farage, like the First World War generals, will not be on the frontline, but lurking somewhere in the rear, while the demented tic-tac man Johnson will be flailing his arms about like a pantomime Churchill.

The old joke — question: how can you tell when Boris Johnson is lying? Answer: his lips are moving — certainly applies.


Bangor, Co Down

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