Belfast Telegraph




6. Period of conflict (7)

7. German city (5)

9. Trouble (5)

10. Out of date (7)

12. Famous scientist (5,6)

14. Component (11)

18. Hide (7)

19. Tale (5)

21. Smell (5)

22. Whim (7)


1. Nobleman (5) 2. Shops (6)

3. Sprite (3)

4. Avoid (6) 5. Doctors, informally (7) 8. Lucky dip (4,3) 11. The pope's palace (7) 13. N. African country (7) 15. Unit of time (6) 16. Character (6) 17. Elegance (5)

20. Tree (3)


6. I'm in rough water during the conflict (7)

7. German city involved in business enterprise (5)

9. Anxiety about the argument over the line (5)

10. Old-fashioned CIA characters return to the structure (7)

12. Was it one can ordered by the scientist? (5,6)

14. Elector's part (11)

18. Broken cane colonel is about to hide (7)

19. Tale of a pen containing gold (5)

21. The smell of a coin, say (5)

22. Sudden whim to display the hat Eric designed (7)


1. Nobleman keeps nothing in the building (5)

2. By the way, Rose ordered the supplies (6) 3. One politician's a little devil (3)

4. Avoid church between points (6)

5. Some C.I.D. characters become doctors (7) 8. Ab burnt somehow at the lucky dip (4,3) 11. Vessel I'm able to find in Rome (7) 13. Changing-room has capacity to ring an African country (7) 15. Not the first back (6) 16. Essential character Aunt gets excited about (6) 17. A girl's elegance (5) 20. It's all right to find one in a tree (3)

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