Belfast Telegraph

March in aid of constable’s jailed killers ‘disgracefu­l’


A PROTEST against the jailing of two men convicted of a PSNI officer’s murder has been slammed as a “disgracefu­l” event calculated to “cause hurt and insult”.

March for Justice Ireland organised the protest for supporters of Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton, who were convicted in 2012 over the murder of Stephen Carroll (below).

The 48-year-old from Banbridge was shot dead after police were lured to a call-out in Craigavon on March 9, 2009.

He was the first police officer killed at the hands of paramilita­ries in Northern Ireland since the formation of the PSNI in 2001. The Continuity IRA admitted responsibi­lity.

Brendan McConville (42) and 22-yearold John Paul Wootton were sentenced to 25 and

14 years in jail for the murder, conviction­s which were upheld on appeal in 2014.

The March for Justice Ireland protest is set to take place on March 28 in Lurgan.

DUP Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart said holding the event less than two miles from the scene of Constable Carroll’s murder was a “deliberate attempt to glorify terrorism” and an insult to the slain officer’s loved ones.

She added: “The organisers of this disgracefu­l gathering describe is as being for ‘justice’. Justice was served when Brendan McConville and John Paul Wootton were found guilty and when their appeal was rejected.

“This event is an obvious attempt by dissident republican­s to provoke a reaction which they can use to feed their campaign of terrorism.”

Ms Lockhart said she would ask the PSNI to give an assessment of whether they believe the protest was likely to lead to a breach of the peace.

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