Belfast Telegraph

‘It can really give those people struggling with loneliness or depression an escape’


Ulster Unionist councillor in Lisburn and Castlereag­h Alex Swan joined his local walking group in Drumbo five years ago.

Retired policeman Alex (60) is married to Ann (60), a retired nurse, and has three grown-up children and two young grandchild­ren.

He enjoys the craic and companions­hip on the club’s weekly walks to many picturesqu­e parts. However, having come through the pain of losing a loved one to suicide, he is passionate about the benefits of walking for mental as well as physical health.

Alex’s brother Howard had been battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an incident during his career with the police.

He had just retired six weeks before he took his own life at the age of 47.

Alex doesn’t believe walking would have prevented the tragedy, but he is convinced it would have helped his brother’s mental health.

He says: “I think walking might stop people from going on to develop depression and I think it would certainly help people who are struggling with loneliness or depression.

“My brother Howard died in 2008. He was married with a young child. He had just retired from the police and I think he was hoping retirement would take his demons away, but it didn’t.

“He had medically retired because of PTSD. It was his third episode of depression, and they always say the third is the worst.

“When it happens it does knock your confidence. You think something like that can’t happen to your family. Since it happened I would never let the sun go down on a row, I would always make peace, as you don’t know when the last time you will see someone will be.”

As a public representa­tive, and because of his personal experience, Mr Swan believes more needs to be done at central government level to stem the shocking spiral of suicides here.

He says: “It is now an average of five suicides a week and even if that affects six immediate family members, then that is 30 people’s lives every week being devastated.

“We have very graphic ads on TV at the moment aimed at young drivers. I think we need to have something just as hard-hitting aimed at young people about suicide and the pain felt by those they leave behind.”

Alex is one of around 40 members of Drumbo walking group, which is mainly made up of retired people.

He believes meeting for their weekly walk every Thursday is a chance for many to get out and escape the loneliness which can come with retirement.

The group have progressed from walking in their local area to travelling long distances to enjoy some of Northern Ireland’s famous beauty spots.

Alex adds: “I enjoy the craic and the exercise. It is like being part of a wee community, and that might sound corny, but to me life is all about the wee communitie­s you build.

“We walk and we talk and we see some beautiful sights and then we have a cup of tea and a scone.”

 ??  ?? Community: Alex Swan walks weekly
Community: Alex Swan walks weekly

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