Belfast Telegraph


- Craig Cooney Hope Community Church in Craigavon

It is clear that, currently, we are living in a world that is gripped, even paralysed, with fear.

With each passing day, as we feed our minds on the latest statistics of those who have been diagnosed with, or died from, Covid-19, the level of fear within us and around us seems to increase.

As well as the virus itself, there is also a pandemic of paranoia, terror, apprehensi­on, dread, anxiety and panic.

Of course, we need to take this crisis very seriously.

We must adhere to Government guidelines and follow all necessary precaution­s. It is critical that we protect the elderly and most vulnerable in our society.

However, as Christians, we must not allow ourselves to be completely consumed and controlled by fear.

In the Apostle Paul’s final letter, he wrote this: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7)

There is such a thing as “a spirit of fear”. A spirit of fear is irrational, exaggerate­d, debilitati­ng and deeply destructiv­e. It does not come from God, but from hell.

And such a spirit thrives in times like this. It wants to control your mind, emotions and even your body. You’ve probably felt it in the pit of your stomach in the past week.

Paul makes it very clear that, if you are a child of God through faith in Christ, you have been given “a spirit of power, love and a sound mind”.

Can I gently suggest that to keep a “sound mind”, you will need to feed your mind on the Word of God more than you focus on the news headlines? Spend more time reflecting on the character of God than on the latest social media post.

This is the time for the people of God to lead our communitie­s calmly, with confidence, conviction and compassion, firmly establishe­d in the knowledge that our God is still on His throne, ruling and reigning, in complete supremacy and absolute authority.

Don’t surrender to the spirit of fear. No matter how bleak the outlook or negative the circumstan­ces, we are a people of resolute and relentless faith in God.

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