Belfast Telegraph

Coronaviru­s: NI pastor back from brink of death thanks hospital medics


Trisha Reilly:

Praise God for answered prayer and not forgetting the NHS for the marvellous work they are doing. But, my goodness, one mention of prayer or God and you get all the blooming atheist ranting and raving, not to mention their silly name-calling, simply because they refuse to accept that not everyone thinks like them.

Eli Dignam:

Jesus obviously saved him, while allowing others, including children, medics and grandparen­ts, to die alone.

Karen Worrall:

Answered prayer. Pray God protects all the NHS staff. He is the Great Physician.

Catherine O’kane Terry:

Lovely to hear this news. Hope he just goes from strength to strength and stays safe.

Lisa Baxter:

There is hope for us all during these times. Fantastic news and praise God and giving thanks to our wonderful NHS workers.

Marie Davies:

Wonderful news. Good luck to you.

Arlene Mcdonald:

Great news and a big thank-you to the NHS and all workers involved with it.

Kay Elizabeth:

This is so uplifting. Wishing you a continued recovery. Thank you for the hope you have given many. Goes without saying, much appreciati­on

to our NHS angels.

Ken Weir:

Congratula­tions, young man. Let’s give our thanks and praise to those in the NHS and to God Almighty for bringing you through.

Liesel Radcliffe Nihell:

Well done to the amazing ICU staff who saved his life.

Peter Mcivor:

I thank God for answered prayer. I will pray that you will soon return to full strength.

God bless you brother.

Cherrybee Willis:

Thank goodness to hear good news. Hallelujah.

Steven Kelly:

“Forgodso loved the world he gave it coronaviru­s.”

Anne Catherine:

Great news. Nice to hear you have made a recovery.

Susan Adamou:

:Wonderful news. Never, ever, underestim­ate the power of prayer.

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