Belfast Telegraph

Minister sets target date of August 17 for some pupils to go back to school


Linda Mcnally: The children need to be in school. Home schooling is no good to anyone, least of all the children whose parents have worked throughout this. They are at a distinct disadvanta­ge. So unfair.

Debbie Mcdowell: However, school meals and transport don’t officially start until September 1 usually, so how will that work? I have a child going into Year 8 and one into Year 14. There isn’t enough clear informatio­n being given to school staff, or parents. The majority of it is guesswork for principals.

Nicola Patterson: So, when do exam results come out for kids to see if they get into Year 13 and 14, or do they start back first? Not really fair on the teachers or the kids that have been working the whole way through.

Jo-ann Carson: Education is important — no doubt about it. But my children’s health is more important. Their education won’t be any good to them if schools are opened and pupils jammed together starts another spread of the virus and it kills them.

Kerriann Mcnarry: This is a joke. There is no clear guidance of how this is going to work. I myself work in a special needs school with twin boys at another special needs school. Not once have I heard this being addressed. I’m sorry, but this needs to be thought about.

Sharon James: Hopefully, this can be changed to all pupils back.

Caralyn Robson: Our kids are suffering. My son is going into Year 9. I fear for my son’s mental health, as he misses being taught; he misses school. There’s no need for this. Get them all back into school please.

Frank Nawn :Very confusing. My children’s head teacher has just sent out a letter to all parents saying that start date is September 1, as teachers are only contracted to do 175 days a year and this would be exceeded. Whom should I believe?

Julie Pike: I am waiting to see if this is true and also what the school is going to be like. My kids have been through enough without them being put into a military-style school, where they have to stay away from their friends.

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