Belfast Telegraph

Donald Trump is interested in Northern Ireland: US special envoy


Hester Jo: What? Surely we have enough problems without that?

Robert Crawford: Well, would be good to see this man here. Can’t wait.

Mark Spence: “Asks about it just about every time we talk.” Since it is literally this blow-hard’s job to talk about NI, I would be surprised if he didn’t.

Lewis Montgomery: Oh, please God no. We have enough political buffoons of our own without importing more.

George Young: Only someone like Trump could remind people that any Irish Government that does not represent people who are born in Ireland should not be calling itself the Irish Government.

Ann Donnan: Oh, no. Please don’t let him in. We have trouble enough as it is.

Amanda Megaw: Great for internatio­nal relations.

Donna Jeavons: Oh, dear God. Don’t you think we have enough trouble here without Trump getting involved?

Hannah Asher: Oh, please no. Keep him away from here.

Eamonn Dillon: Probably wants to buy the Giant’s Causeway and build a hotel on it.

Ronnie Matthews: Close the borders. We don’t want him.

Brian Chipp-smith: Didn’t Clinton interfere when he was in office?

Geralyn Colton Walsh: No, thanks. We’ve enough eejits of our own.

Susan Clarke: Please let this be a joke.

Candi Ames Murphy: Apologies in advance.

He has a short attention span, so you may be okay.

John Paul Gallagher: God help us all.

Patrick Joseph: We’ve enough on our plates, thank you.

Magalie Pailler: The last thing Northern Ireland needs is Trump’s interest. Enough trouble already. Can’t imagine what it would be like if he stuck his nose in.

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