Belfast Telegraph

Public is told to ‘wise up’ after rise in Covid-19 numbers


Ann Mcguckin: Agree. People need to wise up before large numbers increase hospitals’ intake. Remember, first lockdown was in spring; now we are heading for winter with added viruses. Stop unnecessar­y travel etc to try and reduce spread, or we are going to see a lot more deaths. People: get a grip on reality. It could be you or me if we don’t try to comply with the correct procedures.

Eli Dignam: Tourists refusing to wear masks in shops, while locals do, drives me mad. If there’s a local lockdown we suffer, not them.

Ann Mcguckin: Medical staff have to wear them and even before Covid-19 was heard of, surgeons and nurses in theatre have been wearing masks. They do it not for themselves, but to protect others.

Billie Ellruss: I find it worrying and unnerving that those that don’t believe the virus is real believe the Illuminati are the descendant­s of a race of shape-shifting, blood-drinking, child-sacrificin­g alien lizard people.

Tracey Ann Mccarthy: It was never going to be wiped out. It’s here to stay. Livewithit.

David Peacock: Lost the majority of whatever control over the public they had by herding young adults back into packed buses and classrooms.

That sort of hypocrisy tends to weaken a case.

Donna Gormley: Wake up, Northern Ireland. It’s all about control. And it’s working. Everyone is complying with the rules instead of questionin­g what is really going on. Too many people are still in their bubble. Unfortunat­ely.

Gareth Dowling: Tinfoil hat brigade.

Paul Mcmorrow: You can comply with rules to help save lives and still question the Government’s tactics.

Michael Jameson: Some paranoid headers in this world.

Jean Buchanan: They are pushing for more lockdowns again. Disgusting.

Ann Owens: Stop saying and start doing something. You lot up there need to get a grip of this now.

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