Belfast Telegraph

Anger at Irish government should serve as a warning to all politician­s that the electorate wields ultimate power


IT is a convention that new political leaders are given 100 days before their performanc­e is evaluated in the media.

Taoiseach Micheal Martin may be lucky to see out that period of time unless the Republic’s coalition government raises its game enormously. Mr Martin has lost two Agricultur­e Ministers in a remarkably short period of time — the latest resigning due his attendance at a golfing event in Galway which was found to be in breach of coronaviru­s restrictio­ns. Another politician also resigned and two other figures, an EU Commission­er and a Supreme Court judge have come under pressure due to their presence at the event.

This is the latest blow to the coalition government which had seen Fine Gael and Fianna Fail bury their century old enmity of each other to hold on to the levers of power in alliance with the Green Party which faced leadership problems as the government was being formed.

Seldom has there been such an outpouring of anger from the electorate and it remains to be seen if the speedy resignatio­ns can cool the atmosphere. Sinn Fein, seen by many as a government in waiting, has been quick to jump on the bandwagon.

However, voters are not stupid and will have noted that party President Mary Lou Mcdonald and Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister Michelle O’neill simply brazened out allegation­s that they breached guidelines on curbing coronaviru­s by attending the funeral of veteran IRA man Bobby Storey.

Indeed it is a characteri­stic of Irish politics on both sides of the border that politician­s normally don’t resign unless dragged squealing from their shabby seats of power. Can anyone remember the last Northern Ireland politician to go voluntaril­y over some breach of regulation­s or policy?

Perhaps the outcry in the Republic should be heeded by all politician­s. The electorate now realises that it wields ultimate power and will not tolerate being treated as of little consequenc­e when it comes to standards in public life.

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