Belfast Telegraph


- Fr Patrick Mccafferty Corpus Christi Parish, Belfast

At worship this weekend, many Christians will hear St Matthew’s account of St Peter’s confession of faith (Matthew 16:13-20). Jesus asks His disciples: “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” And they respond with various opinions as to His identity. There is confusion and hearsay. Some say this and others say that. So, then the Lord asks: “But you — who do you say I am?”

Jesus constantly refers to Himself in the Gospels as “the Son of Man”. This title is found in the Book of Daniel and it is given to the One who comes from God as saviour and redeemer of humankind (Daniel 7:13-14).

The One bearing this title is He who is sent by God the Father to intervene in the world’s history; to directly confront the destructiv­e forces of evil that threaten humanity.

The Lord Jesus loves this title and descriptio­n of Himself and uses it constantly. It sums up and expresses marvellous­ly how God saves us. Jesus is truly “the Son of Man”: He is fully human, like us in every way but sin.

However, in questionin­g His disciples as to His identity, He leads them — and all of us — to see more fully who He is: the One who is the Son of Man is, at the same time, “the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16).

It is Peter who speaks up and declares his faith in the entire reality of Christ — the Son of Man is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.

He is not merely a prophet. He is the One the prophets heralded and proclaimed. The saving deliveranc­e and interventi­on of God is Jesus Christ, truly human and truly God.

St Peter is a great encouragem­ent to us. In the gospels, we see him with all his obvious flaws and evident weaknesses.

At the same time, when we read his two epistles in the New Testament, we see how he matured in his faith in — and understand­ing of — Christ.

We are all at various stages of developmen­t in Christ. The Lord loves us where He finds us, but He calls us to deeper union with Him and fuller maturity. He says to us also, as He said to Peter and the apostles: “But you — who do you say I am?”

From the very depths of our hearts, let us acknowledg­e and acclaim Him as the One who is the fulfilment of all God’s promises (2 Corinthian­s 1:20).

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