Belfast Telegraph

Me & My Health: Hannah Carnegie

Belfast actor on taking a daily walk, her tea-drinking habit and fondness for a slice of cake

- Hannah Carnegie

Actor Hannah Carnegie (32), from Belfast, is appearing as Sally Mccooey in Centre Stage Theatre Company’s revival of the legendary, hugely popular radio series The Mccooeys by Joseph Tomelty, renowned actor, novelist, playwright, theatre manager and Hannah’s grandfathe­r. The long-running series focused on the lives of a working-class Belfast family and ran from 1949 to 1955 on the BBC NI Home Service. Hannah is general manager of Centre Stage Theatre Company. Do you take regular exercise and if so, what? Yes, I try and get out for a walk every day. I find it helps with my thoughts and clears my head. It’s helpful at the moment as we get closer to the performanc­es of my grandfathe­r, Joseph Tomelty’s classic radio plays, The Mccooeys at the Portico of Ards. I am really looking forward to working with our amazing director Michael Quinn as well as our great cast: Maria Connolly, Dan Gordon, Patrick Mcbrearty, Christina Nelson and my dad, Colin Carnegie. We will be working within and adhering to Covid-19 guidelines, and no doubt will be taking a good few socially-distanced walks during rehearsals, especially around Portaferry which is where my grandfathe­r is from.

What is the worst illness you’ve had?

I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve never had anything extreme, but I do suffer from migraines and the pain is just awful, especially if I am feeling stressed.

How healthy is your diet?

I try to eat everything in moderation! However, a sweet tooth runs in my family, so the urge for cake is always very strong.

Any bad habits?

I would have to say it’s my tea habit. I drink a lot of tea, especially when I am working in the theatre. I am also very partial to something sweet with my tea, like a slice of cake.

Do you drink and smoke/ if so how much?

I don’t smoke, but I am partial to a glass of wine or fizz, particular­ly if there is something to celebrate or it has been well earned. I’ve planned a nice glass of champagne when we complete The Mccooeys this month.

Do you take any supplement­s?

Yes, vitamins B, C and D. Vitamin D is my go-to, particular­ly as we aren’t known for our sunshine in Northern Ireland.

How do you take time out?

For me, it is getting away on a break in the sun. If that’s not possible, then I always try and get away for a drive to the coast. My family has a love for the sea and just getting out for some sea air really helps me relax and shut off for a little while.

How well do you sleep?

I’m not the best at keeping a regular sleep time, because I find my brain and thoughts really come alive at night. It’s when I always seem to have my best ideas. Currently I can’t get to sleep without thinking about The Mccooeys. I am playing Sally Mccooey, and with so many of my family connected to the plays it’s no wonder I can’t sleep. The pressure is on!

Do you worry about getting old?

It doesn’t really worry me. I would like to think that I will live to the same age as my grandfathe­r Joseph Tomelty who was in his mid-80s, and I am proud to say that The McCooeys revival will be in honour of his 110th birthday on March 5. Our older generation is so very important, and that’s why we decided The Mccooeys would be provided free to care, nursing and residentia­l homes. With the impact of the pandemic isolating the elderly from loved ones, we felt we could help the generation who remember hearing The Mccooeys on the radio first time around to enjoy rediscover­ing a loved series.

What is your go-to product that keeps you feeling healthy?

Ivy-thyme drops for the chesty cough! In associatio­n with the Portico of Ards, supported by Community Foundation NI, the radio play-style performanc­es of The Mccooeys will be streamed online. Centre Stage Theatre Company is offering care, nursing and residentia­l homes free access to a performanc­e on March 17, and free access to the performanc­e on March 20, email: carnegie38@hotmail. com. For details on the performanc­e on March 20, visit www. porticoard­

‘Iam partial to something sweet with my cup of tea’

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 ??  ?? Tribute: Hannah Carnegie is appearing in The Mccooeys radio show
Tribute: Hannah Carnegie is appearing in The Mccooeys radio show

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